As students graduate high school, they are given more freedom in what they choose, and what they plan on studying for the majority of their life. While students may choose to major in subjects surrounding english, history, science and math, some pick an arts major. The seniors of 2013, though, have many students wishing to continue their pursuit of art after high school.
Accepted to Cornell University, senior Molly Kestenbaum is majoring in Fiber Science and Apparel Design in the School of Human Ecology next fall. “I am gearing my studies toward the business side of the fashion world,” she said. “I realized that throughout high school I enjoyed academics as well as art, so I thought the fiber science and apparel design program perfectly balanced all my interests.” Raised by artistic parents, design has always been a major part of her life. “[My mom] went to art school for college, was a fashion designer for twenty years, and is now an event planner. My family members influenced and encouraged me to pursue art.”
Molly’s parents were not the only ones to have a great effect on her college decision. While Molly’s passion for art began outside of Hackley, it was at Hackley where she was able to further her interest. “Being in Mr. Green and Mr. Cice’s classes made me more passionate about my skills.”
Molly is able to showcase her work through several different means. Working at a bakery last summer, Molly decorated cakes, showing off her artistic ability. Similarly at Hackley, Molly was the staff artist for the Dial, allowing her drawings to be published monthly. The publication of Molly’s art built her confidence, and is one of the many driving forces behind her strong passion for art. “I hope that I can use my creativity to give back to people in some way,” she said. “Maybe one day I could work at a magazine and design photoshoots, outfits, etcetera…just a possibility!”
Helen Ballentine
Attending the University of Southern California in the fall, Helen Ballentine ‘13 will be majoring in fine arts. “I’ve been really serious about art throughout high school and I wanted to chose a major that will allow me to use some of what I learned to do something interesting and new,” she said. Interested in design, Helen is currently interning at a graphic design firm. “The Graphic Design program at [University of Southern California] is really cool and has to do a lot with film as well. I’d love to integrate into the art that I do.”
Taking her first art class as a sophomore, Helen began to develop a passion for art. Realizing it wasn’t enough, Helen looked for an outside resource to further her interest. “I took a drawing and painting course at Parsons over the summer which really made me realize I loved it.” Not only does art offer opportunities for Helen in the future, but it also has some restorative aspects. “It has allowed me to channel a lot of my thoughts and ideas into one medium. It also tends to calm me down and and release a lot of stress.”
Although art is one of her passions, Helen admits that completing work and finding inspiration can be difficult at times. “AP Art has been one of the hardest classes I’ve taken at Hackley, and has taught me about hard work, time management and perseverance,” she said. “I’m always working on art! It takes up a lot of my time.”
Graphic Design is also something Helen wishes to continue for the rest of her life. “I would love to be able to continue drawing while reaching a successful point in a career in Graphic Design,” she said. Still unsure specifically about her plans for the future, she knows she would like to relate her artwork to different aspects of her life. “I’d love to someday be able to relate design to some of my other passions, like music.”
While some are choosing to pursue visual arts in college, Angelina Xing looks to further a different type of art hoping to participate in music at Yale University. “I’ve been playing music since I was four, so a lot of things in my life rotated around music, whether it be social or therapeutic,” she said. “In some ways it can be academic and it can be personal. It has taken a large part in my upbringing, even my character. It has definitely helped me get through the tougher times of my life, especially the coping process.” Although not officially taking a major or minor in performing arts at Yale University, she will still be participating in music in the coming years. Aside from taking solo lessons, she will be a part of a Chamber Music ensemble in a studio, with her friends. While the college and major decision process is difficult, Angelina did not have a problem because of her role models here at Hackley. Mr. Storkman, Band Instructor for the Middle and Upper School, had a major impact on her choice to continue with music throughout college. “Jazz was something that I explored for the first time freshman year with Mr. Storkman, who is very good with beginners, and that was a great experience for me.”
Angelina plans to continue with her Performing Arts even after college. “I want to continue exploring music for the rest of my life,” she said. “And if I’m being totally idealistic, I would want to take five years to tour with a chamber [music] group and play at concerts.” Also, majoring in Global Affairs, she dreams of becoming an Ambassador. “I am also interested in international diplomacy, and music could be a great cultural fusion. Like Condoleezza Rice, who plays the piano in government halls of different nations,” she added with a laugh.