Newly elected officers transition into roles on Council
June 13, 2017
President – Francesca Docters

Fran’s experience and dedication to council makes her a qualified President. She has served on council since sophomore year as grade representative and clerk. “I’ve seen where we have struggled and thrived in the past and I’m willing to go great measures to provide for the community. I am determined to make a difference at Hackley and inspire Hackley’s young leaders,” Fran said. She hopes to develop plans to make council run efficiently, and to ensure all members participate fully. “My favorite part of council is working together with the other members of council to achieve the great things we do. Watching the student body have fun at events like snowball and knowing you played a part in the preparation for the event is a really good feeling.” Her biggest goal for next year is to set a good example for those interested in pursuing student government positions.
Vice President – Michael Mezzacappa

Michael is an experienced council member, as he served as grade representative his sophomore and junior year. “The biggest reason to re-run for council was the idea of being on the leadership team of council in my final year on the hilltop, something that I know will be very special,” Michael said. As vice president, he plans on focusing more on the organization and leadership of council, while also continuing his past work by creating new ideas for events and offering changes for pre-existing ones. To improve council, Michael wants to bring the school even closer together. “Incorporating the upper school in school wide functions has been one of my long term goals on council, specifically in a point-based competitive style,” Michael said. He believes this would bring the grades closer together in competition and promote a higher level of support among the students.
Treasurer – Matt Shalett

Matt is looking forward to deepening his involvement in the Hackley community and collaborating with other students and faculty, as well as utilizing his creativity. “I try my hardest to bring my creativity to every meeting and to make the current project on our agenda the best it can possibly be. As the treasurer that will mainly be by providing funds so the overall quality of our projects will be better,” Matt said. Matt has shown leadership as well as organizational skills through his dedication to the junior community service project with the Cottage Hill School. As stated in his election speech, Matt has many new ideas to improve council and raise money. He wants to put advertisements in playbills, more raffles, and possibly invest money in banks to generate interest.
Community Council 2017-2018 Officers
School-Wide Officers
- President: Fran Docters
- Vice President: Michael Mezzacappa
- Secretary/Treasurer: Matthew Shalett
Class of 2018
- Class President: Ben Moskow
- Class Representatives: Georgia Panitz, Ijeoma Nwokerie
- Class Agent: Pat Walker
Class of 2019
- Class President: Paul Peruzzi
- Class Representatives: Grant Albright, Zaya Gooding
- Class Agent: Matt Jean
Class of 2020
- Class President: Ben Marra
- Class Representatives: Emily Afriyie, Taylor Robin
- Class Agent: Emmy Wenstrup
Boarding Representatives
- Eli Hankin, Julia Stewart-wood