Winter Coffeehouse 2018
February 2, 2018
Here are some of the performances from the Winter Coffeehouse on Friday, January 26th, 2018! Special thanks to The House Band and backstage crew:
Ben Monore ’19 (drums)
Richie Nuzum ’19 (bass)
Maggie Broaddus ’20 (guitar)
Madi Schwartz ’18 (piano)
Ian Wong ’18 (Spot Operator)
Bea McColl ’18 (Coffeehouse Goddess)
Katherine Gonick ’19 (Sound Sensei)
Vinay Bijoor ’18 (Stage Master)
Special Thanks to: Wade Tonken, Dylan Chalfy, Mike Mancini, Bill McNaughton, the HPA and all of the chaperones!
“Losing my Religion” by REM with Asha Dhakad ’19 vocals and piano; Daniel Bileca ’18, mandolin; Mr. Mancini, bass; Ben Monroe ‘19 drums; Maggie Broaddus ’20, guitar
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “Losing My Religion” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“Pray” by Sam Smith with Hadassah Henderson ’20, vocals
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “Pray” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“Message in a Bottle” by The Police with Alexander Goldman ’20, guitar and vocals
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “Message in a Bottle” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“Lost on You” by LP with Tajah Burgher ’20, vocals; Ben Monroe ’19, drums; Richie Nuzum ’19, bass; Maggie Broaddus ’20, guitar, Madi Schwartz ’18, piano
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “Lost on You” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“World Gone Mad” by Bastille with Elizabeth Hetzel ’20, guitar and vocals
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “World Gone Mad” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
Excerpt from Violin Concerto in D Major by Tchaikovsky with William Zhou ’18, violin; Shi Ling Shi, piano
2017-2018 Winer Coffeehouse Excerpt from “Violin Concerto in D Major” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“Home” by Kioni Marshall with Kioni Marshall ’18, spoken word
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “Home” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“She Used to be Mine” by Sara Bareilles with Mirabel Mallett ’19; Richie Nuzum ’19, piano
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “She Used to be Mine” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“Bad Blood” by Nao with Hallie Robin ’18, vocals; Ben Monroe ’19, drums; Richie Nuzum ’19, bass; Maggie Broaddus ’20, guitar; Madi Schwartz ’18, piano
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “Bad Blood” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“Stone Cold” by Demi Lovato with Tyler LaRoche ’18, vocals; Madi Schwartz ’18, piano
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “Stone Cold” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“A Change is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke with Taylor Robin ’20, vocals; Ben Monroe ’19, drums; Richie Nuzum ’19, bass; Maggie Broaddus ’20 guitar; Madi Schwartz ’18, piano; Daniel Bileca ’18, organ
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “A Change is Gonna Come” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“Take me to Church” by Hozier with Ava Knapp ’20, vocals; Ben Monroe ’19, drums; Richie Nuzum ’19, bass; Maggie Broaddus ’20, guitar; Madi Schwartz ’18, piano
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “Take me to Church” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.
“Bad Self Portraits” by Lake Street Dive with Bea McColl ’18, vocals; Ben Monroe ’19, drums; Richie Nuzum ’19, bass; Maggie Broaddus ’20, guitar; Madi Schwartz ’18, piano
2017-2018 Winter Coffeehouse “Bad Self Portraits” from Hackley Dial on Vimeo.

This year’s coffeehouse was hosted by seniors Lilliana Khoshroshahi and Francesca Doctors who offered audience volunteers minute-to-win-it games in between numbers for a chance to crack a raw egg on one of their heads.

This year’s coffeehouse was hosted by seniors Lilliana Khoshroshahi and Francesca Doctors who offered audience volunteers minute-to-win-it games in between numbers for a chance to crack a raw egg on one of their heads.