App of the Month: NYTimes – Crossword

Credit: Jordan Miller
June 5, 2018
The New York Times Crossword App makes crossword puzzles available on mobile devices on the go. To access the full array of puzzles a subscription service is offered on the app costing either $6.99 per month or $39.99 annually. However, a subscription to the New York Times Crossword does not come with the New York Times digital or paper subscription services.
A new, free mini crossword puzzle is available to play every day, and there are a variety of free puzzles and packs with multiple puzzles. Additionally, there are themed puzzle packs available for purchase ranging from 99 cents to $4.99. Sophomore Adam Tannenbaum, who uses the app but does not have a subscription, explained, “We play a mini crossword most days in homeroom…. Mr. Loomis projects it on the smart board, [and] it’s a nice way to wake up in the morning and [to] start my mind, and it definitely has bonded our homeroom.” The app is free to download, and is available on the App Store.