A New Life at Home for Students

While the Coronavirus has infected people across the United States, Hackley students have been forced to stay home and adopt a completely different way of life. Of course, students are unhappy with their new situation. Sophomore Noah Tirschwell echoed this sentiment, saying: “it’s been rough.” But students have also managed to find some positive things to take out of their experiences at home, like a stronger bond with their family. Many students have had their learning, family relationships, and social life altered dramatically by the Coronavirus.

Both Senior Sam Perlman and Tirschwell agreed that the amount of learning they have had since the closure of Hackley has decreased. “It’s definitely lessened. I’ve covered the material at a much slower pace,” said Tirschwell. Perlman, although that learning virtually was more difficult, offered a hopeful perspective: “I think that I’ve still been able to learn quite a bit during this time. I agree with those who claim distance learning is not as effective as in-person classes, but I feel as though the distance learning solution created by Hackley is pretty close to the best way to approximate the experience of being on the Hilltop,” said Perlman.

Many students have found it harder to communicate with friends. “You don’t realize how much you take for granted every normal day, like just seeing friends in the hall,” Tirschwell said.

“I don’t really speak to my friends as much as I used to, and there are many people who I don’t communicate with at all during this time. The oddity of the situation makes it challenging for people to find time to talk with each other, or even feel motivated enough to do so,” Perlman said.

But Perlman and Tirschwell still find ways to communicate with others, even if it does not replicate what their social life was like at school. “I’ve been making an effort to reach out to people, to stay in touch, and have been met with mixed results. However, I have been able to catch up more with non-Hackley people I haven’t spoken to in a long time, and have gotten to see some of my friends who live nearby,” said Perlman. “I’m still talking with people virtually and over FaceTime,” Tirschwell said.

Contrary to a strained social life, both students said that their relationships with their families had been strengthened while also sometimes tested. “My family has always been really close but I’d say this has helped us form stronger bonds while also sometimes testing our limits,” Tirschwell said.

Perlman had a similar comment, saying: “I think that we’ve gained a deeper understanding and tolerance of how each of us handles stress during this time, and we’ve all been a little more honest and open with each other regarding our personal feelings during this time.”