The New Hilltop: New protocols are put into place to ensure a safe, in-person reopening of campus
Credit: Maya Miller
Whether it is during a free or during class, students social distance with dividers and spaced desks. Many of the classrooms around school have been completely transformed and cannot be recognized with new desk formations and many types of clear dividers. It is definitely an adjustment for students and teachers alike but students are staying safe!
The Hilltop seems like a whole new world ever since students returned to campus in September. In the classrooms, Hackley’s iconic Harkness tables were replaced with individual desks with dividers, and common areas were turned into social distancing oases. Although students have been required to adjust to these changes, the buzz of excitement to be back after months of remote learning can be felt everywhere from the lower school playground to the sports fields. Although a lot of uncertainty remains on the future of the school year, students are ecstatic to be back on campus, spending time with their friends from six feet away.