What the Post-Thanksgiving Remote Week Will Look Like
Students and teachers will follow a modified schedule during the week of November 30th.

Through these unprecedented times, Hackley has managed to pull through and provide the best in-person and hybrid experience possible for its students. With the weekly testing and social distancing protocols, Hackley is taking all the precautions necessary to keep everyone on campus safe. With this in mind, the administration has deemed it logical to keep the week after Thanksgiving break a remote learning period.
The online schedule for the post-Thanksgiving break is similar to that of the spring. There are five potential class periods, three before lunch, and two after lunch, but it is unlikely that students will have all each day. Each student should expect to attend four to five classes per day. Mr. King believes that a shorter schedule is best for students rather than following the normal 7-day schedule. This is because the 7-day schedule would result in students sitting in front of a computer for approximately 300 minutes, or five hours, not accounting for homework time. There will be longer transitions between classes than in person, as there were during the spring, along with a later start time, 9 a.m., and a common lunch period at noon. There will also be blocked out times for extra help from teachers, and gym/athletics will be after the last block. However, in contrast to the spring, major classes will now meet three times per week, with each minor meeting once. In addition, with the pool testing on Friday morning, the schedule will be very different. Following the same schedule, the first two periods of the day will be blocked out for students to drop off their spit tests, with school resuming at 11 a.m. Teachers are hopeful that we will be able to return to Hackley campus after the week online, provided that all members of the community follow social distance guidelines and the pool tests reflect such, along with the state/county guidelines continuing to allow schools to remain open.