Imagine finally getting home after a long, cold school day, the sun has already set, you feel extremely tired and unmotivated, and you have many assignments and essays to do, but for some reason, all you want to do is sleep! This phenomenon is familiar to many students in the northeast region of the United States. The cold weather mixed with short days and increased workload can leave many feeling unmotivated, tired, and in a “funk.”
Why does this happen, and how is it experienced?
During daylight saving time, over 10 million Americans are affected by changes in weather and daylight. Increased slugginess, decreased motivation, overall slugginess and sadness, and fluctuation in weight are common symptoms of this phenomenon called seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
People who aren’t diagnosed with SAD can experience a slump-like effect in the winter. Some people are affected greatly by the winter season and seasonal changes, whereas some people remain completely unaffected.
Reduced sunlight in winter can interrupt people’s circadian rhythms, also informally called people’s “internal clocks.” This rhythm responds to cues in people’s surroundings, responding to stimuli like lightness and darkness. At night, the gland in the brain produces melatonin, a chemical that helps people sleep. The fluctuation in sunlight also affects serotonin levels in the brain, which in turn affects sleep, mood regulation, sexual function, and more.
Many students feel that the effects are exacerbated by a heavy workload. In an academically rigorous environment like Hackley, many students are impacted greatly by the effects of winter. Students may feel an inability to concentrate, decreased motivation, decreased energy, and an inability to fall or stay asleep. These symptoms can negatively affect many facets of a student’s life, like their academics, social life, and overall mental health.
Senior Meredith Lee shared her experience of academics and motivation during the winter months. Meredith feels that she is mostly driven by midterms and continued success after putting in lots of effort in the first trimester. Meredith mentioned feeling some of the effects of the seasons changing and the long stretch of school.
“I think it’s a little harder mentally because sometimes this stretch of time can feel monotonous. If you pile extracurriculars and sleep deprivation on top, it can feel tiring,” said Meredith.
Jasper Quattrone, another senior at Hackley, greatly feels the effects of seasonal changes. He feels that it is harder to focus on positive things, and being a student during this time only exacerbates the effects.
“The academic rigor on top of expectations to perform as an athlete all while being in a “slump” is draining. Day in and day out, it takes a toll on me for sure and I’m sure some of my peers. I also think the school could do better at making the winter months more manageable with more no homework weekends and more understanding that not everyone is willing to spread themselves so thin,” said Jasper.
Junior Riyaan Ratliff feels the negative effect of the “gloom,” decreasing his mood and motivation. Similar to Jasper, Riyaan feels that an academically rigorous school contributes to the issue.
“I do think it is harder to thrive at Hackley during periods of low energy and motivation, as the workload and expectations are overwhelming,” said Riyaan.
How Can You Mitigate the Effects of Seasonal Slumps?
In terms of sunlight intake, there is no way to make sunlight last longer during the day. However, there are ways to replicate sunlight and stimulate the beneficial effects of being in the sun. For example, light boxes are lights to replicate the effects of being out in direct sunlight and most effective light boxes have 10,000+ lux of light with as little UV light as possible. It is recommended that it is used within the first hour of waking up in the morning, but it can be used whenever. It is recommended that it is used 16-24 inches from the face.
In terms of reducing the symptoms, opting for healthy dieting choices can help the body get protein, vitamins, and minerals necessary to stay energized and mitigate the sluggish effects of SAD. Although junk-food (a carbohydrate and sugar rich diet) gives an initial energy boost, it in turn can decrease blood sugar levels leaving people feeling more sluggish.
Exercising regularly can also help mitigate the effects of SAD, as it releases endorphins which boost energy levels and improve mental health. Even if it isn’t intensive training, any physical activity can help energize and improve moods.
Meredith practices some of these skills to mitigate the slump-like effects of winter. “I try to build habits that support my mental and physical wellbeing. For me, that looks like waking up 45 minutes before I leave for school and having a relaxed morning routine, going for walks on the weekend to get outside even though it’s cold, make sure I stay active, and and embrace the coziness of the winter season by using my amazing candle warmer that my friend recently gifted me,” said Meredith.
Create a schedule that works best for you. Making a routine that includes healthy lifestyle choices, social interaction, and ample down time to decompress or enjoy a hobby can be beneficial in terms of trying to mitigate the effects of winter.
For Jasper, spending time with friends is a way that helps him maintain a positive attitude. “One thing I’ve learned is to find little things throughout the day that distract me from being at school, for example getting a coffee or going off campus during lunch. Also just trying to do my homework during the school day so that when I get home I can completely forget about school.” said Jasper.
In terms of academics, SAD can cause decreased motivation and concentration. By creating a routine for studying and doing work, you can lessen the feeling of sleepiness. By doing work near a window during the day, you will feel more concentrated and motivated than if you were to wait until late when you are tired and the sun has set. If your symptoms are extreme, try speaking with an adult or your teachers about the issue.
Riyaan, who feels sleepier during the winter months, shared how he tries to manage the effects. “I aim for consistent sleep, in hopes to limit a major factor of drowsiness and improve my overall mental state,” said Riyaan.
For Hackley students, this January-March period of school is the longest stretch of the school year with a heavy workload and exams. By maximizing your concentration and motivation through things such as lifestyle habits and scheduling, this stretch and the challenges that come from it will not be as daunting. Additionally, staying organized, planning ahead, and taking things one at a time in terms of assignments can help make the work seem less grueling and insurmountable. For exam-season, using studying tricks can help ensure you are able to focus and study most efficiently.
The most important thing is to remember that you are not alone and in a few short months, the sun will start setting later, temperatures will become warmer, and summer will be nearing.