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The voice of the student body

The Dial

The voice of the student body

The Dial

The voice of the student body

The Dial

To give or not to give

To give or not to give

By The Editorial Board January 17, 2020

The editorial board argues for continuing the tradition of giving out sports jerseys, positing that the tradition encourages school spirit and attendance at games — although alterations to the tradition...

A hate symbol promotes conversation on campus; action must follow

A hate symbol promotes conversation on campus; action must follow

By The Editorial Board May 20, 2019

[infogram id="250f2ab9-bcdb-49ef-9bb5-f07cb82d53fb" format="interactive" title="Editorial"] On Wednesday, March 13th, Upper School students received an email that stated that they were to report to...

Raymond Hall: A Tale of Two Different Stories

May 24, 2013

The Raymond renovation is a hot topic in the world of Hackley.  The current plans deal with the hallways in Raymond Hall, the oldest academic building on campus. Students and teachers agree that the classrooms...

Board of Magistrates Lacks Power and Conviction

May 24, 2013

The role of Hackley’s Board of Magistrates has been very limited in previous years; however, Hackley would greatly benefit if the Board’s responsibilities were broadened. The Board of Magistrates should...

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