For many boys, sneakers are just a fashion statement or something comfortable to wear during sports. But for senior Omar Momani, sneakers have proven to be much more. Omar has been “buying and selling kicks” for four years; it is a hobby that has made him a young entrepreneur.
The “shoe game,” as Omar calls it, is a lifestyle for many boys who are interested in buying, selling and trading shoes. Groups on Facebook like, “buying and selling kicks Westchester” and “buying and selling kicks NYC” allow boys to connect, trade, sell and buy from others nearby.
Omar started when he was just a freshman through connections and his ability to interact with many people. “I built relationships with people who were in the sneaker community, so I started buying shoes from one guy, then another, and soon I was selling them.”
What he thought would be a fun way to make some money, turned into a business that has made him more than $5,000. “I made $3,000 my summer going into junior year,” he said, “I bought 30 pairs of BRED 11s at wholesale and then I was able to sell them for a $100 profit each. It was sick.”
During his free time in the summer, Omar is able to focus his attention on buying and selling kicks. “During school it doesn’t really happen, but over the summer I probably do 20 personal shoe deals, and then I’ll do about 30 other deals for profit,” he said.
Omar feels that buying and selling kicks has allowed him to gain some self-control. He is now able to recognize the times when he should be focusing on school from the times where he is allowed to indulge in his shoe business.
For Omar, when it comes to buying and selling shoes, “you can’t get too carried away because then it can end up taking over your life, and it will distract you from everything else.” He added, “You need to know when to draw the line”.
Omar’s parents aren’t thrilled about the time he spends buying and selling shoes, but understand his passion and enjoyment from it. “My parents don’t really like it because it’s time consuming, but they respect the fact that I’m able to make my own money and start a business.”

Omar recognizes the growth in the buying and selling shoes community since he first started. “It’s at its peak when it comes to numbers,” he said.
The process of buying and selling shoes has become more prominent among Hackley students, as well. Many of them are part of the social media websites that are connected with buying and selling kicks. Social media websites, like Facebook, allow transactions to be made in the buying and selling kicks community. “I use Facebook to post about shoes that I’m either looking for, or looking to sell,” said Omar.
Omar also uses the social media app Instagram to display his passion for buying and selling shoes and for sneakers. “I use Instagram solely to socialize, and interact with other ‘sneaker heads,’” he said.
Omar says that it’s never too late to get involved with buying and selling shoes. Omar believes passion leads to success. “Doing something you enjoy and something that you are passionate about makes buying and selling kicks more interesting.” he said.
So what might the future hold for this young businessman? Omar said, “When I go to college next year, my plan is to run my business out of my dorm, year round.”