Another Successful Club Fair

By Jordan Miller, Staff Writer

With just under  50 clubs and service initiatives represented, Hackley hosted another impressive and diverse club fair this September. Many successful new clubs emerged this year including Coral Reefs Club, Middle School Mentors, Pirate Club and Books and Breakfast. Neil Singh, co-president of Hack Meats, said “ I think the Club Fair was a huge success, Hack Meats gained 138 members and we did great for our first year.”

Other long-standing clubs also gained many new members, especially freshmen. Taylor Robin, Sophomore club leader of Unity and Dux Femina Facti, said “The club fair is great for the freshmen because it allows them to expand their horizons into topics that weren’t explored in the middle school. I’m really happy to see newcomers integrated into the community and especially in Unity and Fem Club.” The fair took place on the quad this year, as opposed to inside the admission hallway and grill room in years past. Junior Isabelle Thomas and Unity leader said “The setup of the fair created a cohesive atmosphere and allowed for people to move around a lot easier.” Mr. Arnold, who helped coordinate the event said “I really liked it I thought the energy was great and the clubs were great.”

If students weren’t able to join the clubs they wanted to, they can email Mr. Arnold or the club leaders directly. Students can also see club mission statements on Hackley Online under the student life section.

Club Fair — September 18, 2017