Senior Jasper Quattrone brought a shopping cart to school as his backpack. It presented some challenges going up and down the stairs. Other students used more portable substitutes such as suitcases and laundry bin.
During the third week of school, the community council organized a Spirit Week. Spirit Week allows the student body to come together and get excited for the lead-up to the Fall Sting on Friday.
Monday began with “Anything but a Backpack Day,” because it was picture day for grades nine through eleven. Many students got creative and brought a variety of different objects from a cooler to a suitcase to transport their books and supplies from class to class. Senior Jasper Quattrone brought a shopping cart to school and pushed it around all day.
“Bringing the shopping cart to school was pretty challenging because I didn’t realize how it would impact getting from one class to the next and at some points I had to carry the cart up flights of stairs, but it was worth it because it brought me joy and I think it made others laugh,” he said.
Tuesday was “Funny T-shirt Day” and many students prepared for this day in advance by ordering their idea of a funny shirt. The T-shirts varied from funny phrases to silly cartoon characters.

Sophomore Sofia Mazzella chose to go with the western theme and dressed in a flannel and hat. The student body was split between dressing western and west coast. This dress-up had one of the bigger turnouts amongst the student body.
Wednesday was “Western vs West Coast” in which some students dressed in western attire, wearing cowboy boots, hats, and flannel shirts. Others followed the “West Coast” part of the theme and wore more surfer and beach attire including hats and tropical shirts. Many seniors did not participate due to senior portraits.
Thursday was “Clash Day” and students got creative with how much they were able to mismatch their clothes. Many students mismatched patterns, such as mixing stripes with plaid, while others mismatched colors.
The week ended with “Blackout” for the Fall Sting, which had the biggest turnout among the student body. Many students wore black clothing to school along with body paint spelling out “H-A-C-K” on their body and black necklaces and pom-poms. Students were ecstatic to pack the stands for the football game that ended in a victory against Pingry.