“Will you go to prom with me?” seems like a simple question, but for Hackley students it certainly is not. Students have all been contemplating, scheming and scurrying around to find the best and most unique ways to ask someone to prom.
From balloons on the quad to cake in the hallway, Hackley boys have not ceased to amaze their dates this year.
Senior Sarah Cassidy’s prom festivities began with candlelit letters spelling out “PROM” on her lawn. Senior Sam Alabaster assisted senior Leo Barse in asking Sarah Cassidy.
“Sam told me that Leo was coming to pick him up to watch the final four game” said Sarah, “Little did I know Leo was actually outside my house setting up candles.”
Just as Sarah thought Sam was going to leave with Leo, Sam turned off all of the lights so Sarah was able to see the candles on her lawn. “The boys planned it out very well and I had no idea what was coming,” Sarah said.
Senior Jack Ellis had the challenge of topping last year’s promposal to senior Charlotte Clapp, and he certainly lived up to his standards. Most students remember last year’s golf ball promposal, when Jack asked Charlotte by having her pick up a golf ball at practice that spelled out “PROM?”
This year, Jack had Charlotte’s friend send her a link to his music blog. “When I opened the website, the page read ‘Charlotte look outside,’” Charlotte explained.
Charlotte didn’t see anything when she looked outside, so she went downstairs to check her front door. “When I opened my door I saw Jack standing there with flowers,” Charlotte explained. “That’s when he asked, ‘Will you go to prom with me?’”
“It was really sweet because I was leaving for Scotland the next day, so he wanted to make sure he asked me before I left,” said Charlotte.
Junior Charlie Pidoriano certainly put thought into how he would ask a date to his first prom. With some coercion and help from junior Damis Yancopoulos, Charlie was able to make it memorable.
“Damis Yancopoulos, after a lot of convincing, got me to go out to lunch with him, even though I knew it was breaking the rules,” junior Laurel Cassidy explained. Both Laurel and Damis were driving past the quad when they saw freshman dean and physics teacher Seth Karpinski standing there. Laurel tried to duck but Mr. Karpinski flagged them down. “He rolled down the window and started freaking out on us,” Laurel explained. “I’ve never seen Karps like that before.”
“He explained to us how too many juniors are doing this [leaving campus at lunch] and how he was going to make an example out of us,” said Laurel.
Damis and Laurel were walking by Mr. King’s office when Mr. Karpinski told Mr. King that he needed to talk to him about what Laurel assumed was their punishment. Laurel walked into Mr. King’s office with Damis, crying out of nervousness. “I saw Charlie in the office with a prom sign and then it all caught up to me,” said Laurel. “I broke down a little bit because I was very overwhelmed, but of course I said ‘yes’ and I was very happy.”
After this season’s extravagant promposals, sophomore Sofie Alabaster hopes the rising seniors will continue to generate excitement next year. “I think that the promposals at Hackley have been really cute so far, and I hope that I will get asked in a similar way,” said Sofie.