Where was all the singing, laughter, and joy reverberating from before winter break began? Look no further than the dining hall where members from the Hudson Scholars community gathered for the annual Holiday Party.
To kick start winter break, Scholars and their families from the local Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow area along with Hackley mentors and faculty gathered in the dining hall on Saturday December 16th for the annual Hudson Scholars Holiday Party. The dining hall was decorated with colorful tablecloths, ornaments, paper snowflakes, gingerbread houses, cookies, and an array of home-cooked dishes to bring in the holiday cheer.
Every year, Hudson Scholars hosts their December reunion known as the Holiday Party where Scholars and their families can all come together, eat delicious food, and further strengthen the bonds within the community as the holiday season is approaching. This reunion always amounts to the largest attendance. A month had passed since mentors and faculty members last saw the Scholars so it was great to see the Scholars again and to meet their family members.

A Hudson Scholars mentor who was also a previous Scholar gathers with some of her family members to enjoy dinner. Dinner was provided by Scholars’ and mentors’ family members offering a wide range of holiday food. In the background a large television screen was placed in the dining hall to add to the holiday cheer and for those who were interested to participate in karaoke later at night.
Gearing up for the big celebration, mentors of the Hudson Scholars program created many different activities for the Scholars and their family members to enjoy.
This year the activities included creating paper snowflakes, decorating ornaments and cookies, playing dreidel, making arts and crafts, and creating gingerbread houses. As the reunion came to a close, Scholars and mentors sang holiday tunes using the karaoke machine, a wonderful way to conclude a memorable evening.