Successful Club Fair Exemplifies Engaged Student Body

By Sonia Singh, Editor-in-Chief

Hackley Upper School’s annual Club Fair was back and better than ever this morning! With Clubs ranging from “Save the Bees” to the “Interpretive Dance Team,” Upper School students were running through the PAC just to get a look at each stand. Long lasting Hackley clubs such as “Unity” and “HEAL” continued their strong presence in the Hackley community today; however, with the wide variety of newer clubs as well, there was no shortage of options for students.

When asked about her club’s goals this year, Alex Gluckman, leader of the Round Square Club, said: “Hackley is a Global member Round Square School this year, so students have access to more international conferences and student exchanges. Round Square Club prepares students interested in these global experiences by helping them engage in cultural dialogues, become community leaders, and develop their world perspectives. I think this will be the club’s best year yet: we are going to Skype with students from around the world and help enrich Hackley’s global initiatives.”

Allie Molner, leader of the community service club Breakfast Run, said that “Breakfast Run is so important because the men and women in New York City depend on us each month to bring them breakfast. Because of this Ally and I are absolutely thrilled we get to share this experience with a record breaking amount of new members!”

Overall, this year’s Club Fair was a success, and set the precedent for an engaged student body this year!